Wednesday, February 3, 2010

All we ever get out of you is polysyllabic put downs.

Alright so here's another one from the archives. This is a song that I'm revising and working on for the upcoming album/ e.p. that I'm working on recording with my roommate Jimmy. A.K.A James Allan Toth in the recording biz (for all of those looking for a good producer look no further. He's also playing in angular and haunting band The Guest Bedroom. who you should check out.) It's going to be good once we get it all recorded. For now here is a super long version or what the song will be. Super lo-fi and shoe-gazey with lots of reverb distortion and buried vocals. Believe or not there is a longer version recorded how ever it's no longer in existence since the great computer crash of 2008.

The story behind the song long windedly titled "All we ever get out of you is polysyllabic put downs." or simply Polysyllabic, came from my M.A.S.H. loving friend Siobhan. Somewhere in season 11 episode 2 I believe. I thought this was a clever quip and instantly began writing a song. I don't know how the title relates to the song. But this song was written about the hazardous summers of my late teens. Along with my friends, drinking a little too much, and picking up garbage on heavy pick-up days and smashing them to bits with crowbars in the park.

Why? Fuck if I know. It seems totally idiotic now but back then it made sense and burned off some energy.

And then the infamous cottage weekend with roman candles and too much cherry whiskey for one man to drink on his own. And then followed up by the lost summer that I disappeared in a fit of manic depression from these great people who I never see much of these days but I feel I should acknowledge(and make plans with). Because drinking underage has lost it's excitement with out you being around. I know it's hard to drink underage at 23, but I can always drink more with you guys around.

So for Siobhan, Jeff, Alison( and all the mischievous carter clan) Logan, Mallory and Tonja. Or really anyone who worked at Walmart with us that summer, this is for you. Although most of you have probably heard this already.

All we get out of you is polysyllabic put downs.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I enjoy the nostalgia of this blog! I'm glad I could be apart of your fond memories of high school. It would be nice to have some more adventures one of these days. :)
