Tuesday, January 26, 2010

State of the Art Hard Drive.

So it's day two. And Since I haven't had enough time to get some fresh b-sides rolling out, I figure I'd start from the back catalog. So available for the first time in glorious .mp3 format, is the four star daydream cover of the Beatles' "No reply" from the album "Beatles For Sale".

On a side note it’s been heard that some[1] of you are displeased by the title of this blog. So let me shed some light on how Art Hard Drive came to be. It originally came to me as a lot of titles often do, and that is misreading something and taking it in a different context. Much like Ringo reworking common expressions and turning them into song writing gold with titles like “Hard Days Night.”

So as it was, I was reading an article on recording at the time and took a second pass at the sentence and saw Art Hard Drive. What the hell is an “Art Hard Drive?” After a third pass of this sentence, it actually read something along the lines of “using a state of the art hard drive…”

I then thought of what an Art Hard Drive might be if one actually existed. The answer is with modernization and technology, art is no longer limited to canvas or recorded tape. Purists might cry foul but art's everywhere from viral video, to mashups, and now this blog[2].

Art Hard Drive welcomes you to the modern portfolio.

no reply

[1] I’m looking at you Alana.

[2] My apologies for discrediting the art community when referencing my work as art. But it is in the eye of the beholder mind you.


  1. Matt, I'm glad to see you have a blog! How can I follow you? I'm on blogspot as well, but you don't have an option where I can choose to follow, not that I can see anyway?

  2. i thought you just clicked follow at the top of the page.
